Senin, 26 September 2011

Important role the tourism industry on various aspects of life in Jakarta
Tourism is an industry trade in services which have a complex regulatory mechanisms that include setting the movement of tourists from the country of origin, in a tourist destination to return to their home country involving a variety of things such as transportation, lodging, restaurants, tour guides, and others. Therefore, the tourism industry plays a very important role in tourism development.
In carrying out its role, the tourism industry must apply the concepts and rules and guidelines that apply in the development of tourism to be able to maintain and increase the number of tourists visit which will aim to provide economic benefits for the tourism industry and local communities. Tourism industries which plays an important role in tourism development are: travel agents, hotels and restaurants. It is also supported by the supporting industries other tourism.
Travel agency is a bridge between tourists with accommodation providers, restaurants, adventure tour operators, tourism operators and others. Tourists generally use the services of a travel agency in determining the plan of his journey (tour itinerary), but not impossible for tourists arrange their own travel plans. In the context of tourism development, travel agency has some importance, among others:
1.      bring in tourists. Ignorance of the tourist destinations to be visited is the main driving    factor     for using the services of travel agents as his guide;

2.       minimize the impacts caused by tourists. Travel agency must provide pre trip information  (pre-tour information), literature, or other guide books about things that can and can not be done during his stay at tourist destinations to avoid negative impacts on the environment and socio-cultural life community. Other actions that can be done is by using a system of setting the number of tourists visit on a small scale so as to lessen the intensity of direct touch with nature and the tourists do not exceed capacity (over-visited) tourism destinations;

3.       minimize the effects caused by operators of tourism product sellers. This can be done by
4.      providing knowledge and understanding for managers, staff and other employees on the importance of environmental conservation and socio-cultural community;

5.       providing training programs for managers, staff and other employees on how to communicate and deal with tourists when they interact directly with the socio-cultural environment and society;

6.       providing funding for nature conservation as one of pruduk or tour packages;

7.       provide opportunities for local people to work in accordance with its competence;
 providing tour packages that are environmentally friendly.

The scope of any tourism business in Jakarta
·         Catering
·         Laundry (cashier, linen attendant, etc)
·         Enterpreuner
·         Travel agent (call center officer, marketing, etc)
·         Event management
·         Spa, health club, gymness (receptionist, spa therapist, etc)
·         Food and beverages (cashier, waiter/erss, hostes, etc)

 Mention the various careers in hospitality and tourism
f        Hotel ,apartment (receptionist, housekeeping, engineering, etc)
f        Bar, lounge, pub, casino (cashier, waiter/erss, bartender, etc)
f        Airlines (pilot, stewardess, etc)
f        Cruiseships  (deck officer, housekeeping, etc)
f        Public relations, sales marketing, accounting etc
f        Fitness and gym centre


There are four kinds type of complaint :
mechanical complaints
 attitudinal complaint
service-related complaint
and unusual complaint

Type of complaint
How to handle it as a supervisor
Pertama kali saya menginap di hotel ini, saya datang dengan tiga tamu asing, sesampainya di hotel, ketika kami ingin check in, ternyata tipe kamar yang kami pesan tidak sesuai, kami menginginkan dua kamar yang connecting namun diberikan dua kamar yang berhadapan. Kami melaporkan kejadian ini kepada Manajer yang bertugas namun keluhan ini tidak ditanggapi dengan baik oleh Manajer dan kami tetap menginap dihotel tersebut karena perusahan kami mengadakan seminar disana.
Service Related
We will apologize to guest for the mistakes happened and will replace the room as desired if desired rooms available but, if the desired room is not available we will provide another alternative at the discretion of the hotel and the issue manager, we apologize for not serving the guests well
Suatu saat, saya mengirim seorang tamu untuk menginap di hotel yang sama. Kebetulan Bali sedang musim hujan. Kamar tamu saya kebanjiran air hujan. Anehnya, tamu saya juga mendapat perlakuan yang kurang menyenangkan.

apologized to the guest for an incident happened in his room, and I will provide a solution to the guest to move another rooms for free, after the guest moved into another room, I'll call housekeeping to clean the room and I will reprimand our staff because not treating well guest
Kali ini seorang teman meyakinkan saya untuk mencoba lagi menginap di hotel tersebut. Saya terbujuk. Tapi ketika saya check in, ternyata kamar saya belum siap. Terpaksa saya makan siang dulu sambil menunggu.
Tapi setelah menunggu satu jam lebih, kamar yang saya tempati ternyata bermasalah pula, AC dikamar sangat berisik, sprei/sheet tempat tidur yang digunakan tidak bersih. Terpaksa, lagi-lagi saya mengeluh, dan akhirnya diberikan kamar baru yang tidak lebih baik.

Apologize for the delay room and I will also apologize that new room is no better than the previous room, then I would call the engineer to repair a damaged air conditioner and also to call housekeeping to change the sheets that dirty